Short Stories: Stephanie King

Who or what currently inspires you?

People who are doing really thoughtful things for others during the Melbourne lockdown. A lovely soul in our local area put together a folder of stunning photos she had captured of the leave all changing colour and the flowers in bloom. She gave it to her local residential care facility, just so the residents could enjoy the beauty of spring, even though they couldn’t get outside. They have been in lockdown since March. That made me teary! What a beautiful thought ❤

What has been your proudest moment so far?

The birth of my daughter. And the day she said, “Thanks Mum!” out of nowhere. She’s 2 🙂

What makes you the happiest?

Spending time with family and friends in the sunshine. And hugs. I love hugs. And a good cuppa!

What is still on your bucket list?

Travel, travel, travel. Too many places!

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